Slovenským a českým krajanom sa odporúča čím skôr zaregistrovať po príchode do UK do Slovenskej katolíckej misie (SCM) v Londýne ako jej členovia. Viac nájdeš v sekcii REGISTRÁCIA ČLENA (FARNÍKA) SCM.

Community Chaplaincy Outreach Worker for HMP Wormwood Scrubs

West London Workers Trust

Seeks to appoint

Community Chaplaincy Outreach Worker for HMP Wormwood Scrubs

(part time 16hrs/week)

The Community Chaplaincy works to help reduce the risk of re-offending by supporting the resettlement of offenders. It does so by providing a befriending service for prisoners prior to, and upon their release. The West London Workers Trust will administer the employment on behalf of the Community Chaplaincy.

 The Outreach worker will work alongside the Community Chaplain and will have particular responsibility for the outreach work in the Community. Specific duties will include:

 Developing/extending  contacts with the faith communities and the wider community in West London and their social care outreach;

  • Raising awareness of the Community Chaplaincy with relevant statutory and non-statutory support agencies;
  • Encouraging and support initiatives within the different faith communities which support ex-offenders facilitating re – integration into their faith communities and the wider community;
  • Developing a local network of different agencies and communities who help ex-offenders; and
  • Helping the Community Chaplain with the recruitment of new volunteers and supporting those who befriend ex-offenders.

            Essential skills/qualifications:

  • Experience in networking and facilitating networking;
  • Respect for all cultures religions and beliefs;
  • Ability to lead and work within a team;
  • Communicates effectively;
  • Understanding of criminal justice system specifically issues of the

            resettlement of ex-offenders.

             Desirable skills:

  • Qualifications in Social Care, advice and guidance or another relevant field; and
  • Experience of lone working, boundary setting and ethics in work with a

            vulnerable client group.

 Initial contract for one year, renewal subject to funding. Salary would be in the region of £21,000, pro rata 16 hrs, 3 months probation.

 For more information, a job description and application form, please contact:

Community Chaplaincy, c/o West London Workers Trust, St Paul’s Church, Ealing Ridley Ave. London W13 9XW

 Closing Date for applications: 5 October 2009

Provisional date for Interview:  week commencing 19 October 2009
