Slovenským a českým krajanom sa odporúča čím skôr zaregistrovať po príchode do UK do Slovenskej katolíckej misie (SCM) v Londýne ako jej členovia. Viac nájdeš v sekcii REGISTRÁCIA ČLENA (FARNÍKA) SCM.


Ahojte vsetci,

kto by sa chcel pridat na tento festival gospelovej hudby pls. dajte mi (Petovi :) vediet najneskor do utorka vecera pripadne do stredy rana aby som to mohol posunut dalej….
Ak si listky objedname pred 30/04/09 tak su len £15 pri mnozstve 10 ludi co nebude ziadny problem….. info na…
s pozdravom +

There’s a reason for the name; TheBigChurchDayOut doesn’t just describe the host of passionate worship leaders, excellent bands and the fun all will be having on May 24th this Spring. It also does a pretty good job of describing the make-up of all those people who are going to be turning up too. Young and old, urban and rural,and every other branch of the family besides… we’ll all be there; the Church celebrating together the faith that’s bigger than any one of us.

So the TheBigChurchDayOut will be something special. Sure it will be a great festival alternative; with one of the last ever UK appearances from Delirious as well as Michael W Smith, Israel Houghton and New Breed, Graham Kendrick, YFriday, Lou Fellingham, Cathy Burton, and The Kings Chamber Orchestra. And the location – the beautiful country home of Wiston House in West Sussex – the perfect backdrop for a perfect family day out.

The gates will open at 12.00.

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2 odpovedí

  1. Hi everyone!

    Due to the current large demand for group sales, Puratickets have agreed to extend the deadline for group sales to midnight on May 15th. The Early Bird prices for all other tickets will end at midnight on Thursday April 30th as advertised. With almost 8000 tickets now sold it’s going to be the event you don’t want to miss!!

