Košická arcidiecéza prináša liturgiu domácej cirkvi pre rodiny na Veľkonočné trojdnie.
Za text liturgie ďakujeme Františkovi Trstenskému, kňazovi Spišskej diecézy.
S prianím požehnaných dní a potrebných síl pre vás
Fr Tibor Borovský
duchovný správca SCM v Londýne
Liturgia domácej cirkvi _VN_2020
- The Cardinal has recorded a video message about Easter Duties and Confession. The video, along with a BSL version, is available at https://rcdow.org.uk/cardinal/news/cardinal-obligation-to-easter-duties-removed-this-year/
- The Cardinal has also recorded a video praying the Stations of the Cross for this Friday, which is the day of prayer for survivors of sexual abuse. The video will be made available from Friday at https://rcdow.org.uk/cardinal/news/praying-the-stations-of-the-cross-for-survivors-of-abuse/