Slovenským a českým krajanom sa odporúča čím skôr zaregistrovať po príchode do UK do Slovenskej katolíckej misie (SCM) v Londýne ako jej členovia. Viac nájdeš v sekcii REGISTRÁCIA ČLENA (FARNÍKA) SCM.


Plagat_All Night Vigil_EN_WEB“My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” (Mt 26:38)

Can you imagine how incredible it would be to keep watch with Jesus? To stay awake with him all night long in Gethsemane when he was left alone as none of his disciples kept watch with him?

Jesus’ call to his disciples is stronger than ever before. Jesus addresses them in the moment when he feels weak and vulnerable carrying a burden of great sadness and sorrow. He knows that the hour when he is going to lay his life for us, is approaching. And yet he is left alone. He turns to his Father in his prayers but he does not ask him to spare him this horror and pain. Quite the opposite, he fully accepts His will. He is going to perform the greatest act of love, to sacrifice his life, to take all the sins of the world on his shoulders.

The night in Gethsemane has undoubtedly marked the beginning of Jesus’ suffering. We remember it every year and every year Jesus repeats the same words to us: “Stay here and keep watch with me.” How do you reply to his call today? This time he does not have to be left alone!

The Slovak Catholic Mission invites you for the all night vigil with Christ.


from 8pm on 28th March (Maundy Thursday) to 1pm on 29th March (Good Friday)


Our Lady of La Salette and Saint Joseph Catholic Church, 14 Melior Street, London SE1 3QP

PROGRAMME :     Programme_EN

Plagat_All Night Vigil_EN_WEB




