Slovenským a českým krajanom sa odporúča čím skôr zaregistrovať po príchode do UK do Slovenskej katolíckej misie (SCM) v Londýne ako jej členovia. Viac nájdeš v sekcii REGISTRÁCIA ČLENA (FARNÍKA) SCM.

Affectionate farewell to Ann Noonan

Ann Noonan was secretary to the Committee for Other Faiths of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. She died on 18th September 2008 after a long illness.

Archbishop Kevin, Chairman of the Department of Dialogue and Unity, presided at her Funeral Mass on Wednesday, 1st October 2008, at the church of Our Lady of the Angels in Erith, her home parish.

In his homily, Archbishop Kevin said: ‘Her death leaves a void in her family, in the Church, and in the whole community. Many will feel her loss keenly because of her person, her unique gifts and her role in the Church. We entrust her good and gracious soul to God confident that she will know new life, eternal life in Christ.’

May she rest in peace.

Read the page dedicated to Ann on the Bishops’ Conference website
